- Anwenderhilfe
- Administrationsdokumentation
- Entwicklerdokumentation
The option "settings" offers a wide range of settings for your Stud.IP. You can find it in the header bar (the link called "settings") and it is accessible from any Stud.IP page.
By using the tab bar you can move directly to the individual setting areas:
The setting page is marked on the bar by a red arrow .
On the General information page, on which you are now located, you initially see the option of selecting a Language.
At present Stud.IP is available in German and English. The language which your browser requires as standard language is set as default. If you are using a German-language browser, you will also see Stud.IP in German. According to that English texts will be shown , if you use an English browser . You can select your language of choice with the “Language“ Option.
You can set whether you desire to use hover effects by using the JavaScript hover effects checkbox. If this function is activated, you can read the contribution corresponding to the subject headings simply by moving the cursor across them. In this manner, you can also work your way through long discussions rapidly and efficiently. However, since the loading times of the pages increase considerably, we only recommend this setting for users who have at least an ISDN connection.
When you click on apply your settings will be stored.
Alternatively you can quickly change the language simply by clicking on the link on the main header bar. Attach:changelanguage.jpg Δ