Peer Review

For every tast for that you are registerd as a reviewer for one, more ore a whole groupe of participants you can find for every task description the peer-review-report.

A small symbol underneath the name shows if you already provided a review for that participant.
Choose the pickture or the name to open the peer review.
You can see the processed tasks of the participants and the review report. Within the answer patch on the right you can see a star assesment which works as foundation for the peer assesment within the info box.

The actuall review process task place in the input screen.
Because you are now able to asses participans you should think of the fact that someone will asses you. It is advisable to argue honest without hurting someones feeling and also do not asses the text to positively.
Please asses objectiv because constructiv criticisim helps your fellow student more than unjustified praise.
As soon as the review is accessable the person affected and you can comment on that review.
You create a comment by clicking on the comment button.

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Letzte Änderung am January 16, 2018, at 06:18 PM von cfliegn.