- Anwenderhilfe
- Administrationsdokumentation
- Entwicklerdokumentation
The easiest way to conduct an evaluation is so use public submittals.
If there is no public template that includes all your wishes you can edit the public template and use the changed template as your evaluation. You can open the originally evaluatuion template in a new window. Therefor you are able to lookl at the visual end product while you work on your evaluation. Under condition it may be easier to keep everything at a glance.
To open the preview you need to klick on the questionmark in front of the title of your evaltuation template or you choose the edit mode
of your evaluation.
To edit public templates you need to copy the evaluation template. Please look for the guidelines to know how you have to copy the evaluation. click here
The button edit serves to change within the edit mode of your evaluation template.
The first plane conforms the evaluation in complete. The Evaluation is subdivided as a tree structure.
Open the question block while cklicking on the arrow or the name of the question block.