- Anwenderhilfe
- Administrationsdokumentation
- Entwicklerdokumentation
With use of the flash card deck you can go through your questionnaire by your own, the same as the analogue version of que cards out from paper. If you have answered a question correctly, the card will move further away in the queue. If you have answered a question wrong, the card will stay on its position in the queue. To use this function, click [Weiter] ("go") in the field "Lernkartei" ("flash card deck").
After that, you have to choose out of a drop down menu, which questionnaire you would like to use to create a flash card deck. You can name the flash card deck in the field "Titel" ("title"). Click [anlegen] ("create") to create the flash card deck.
When the flash card deck was created successfully, you can choose it out form the list of available flash card decks. Just click the flash card deck of your choice.
Within the flash card deck you can see all available stacks. At the beginning, all questions are in stack 1. Click on a stack of your choice to go through the questions contained in there. Click [Löschen] ("delete") to delete the stack and click [Zurücksetzen] ("reset") to reset the learning progress.