- Anwenderhilfe
- Administrationsdokumentation
- Entwicklerdokumentation
If you are a lecturer or tutor of a course, you can add Stud.IPad to your course via plug-in administration. To do this, first click on "More ..." in your course
Subsequently occurs the Stud.IPad Plugin for all participants in the plugin tab respectively within the course overvoew as an icon next to the course
, where is EO for "EtherPad".
Click on the StudIPad Plugin. You receive an overview for the prepared StudIPads within that course (which are obviously still empty after the activation). You create a new StudIPad by typing into the input field a meaningful name for your StudIPad and subsequently clicking on "new".
Take care that you just have letters, numbers and special symbols for the feeds of your password ! Tabs or vowle mutations are not allowed.
After the creation the newly set StudIPad now occurs in the overview. You can now ad a password that everyone needs to use who wants to join the StudIPad. Therefor you need to click on "Details" and type in the password.
If some external user should be able to use the SudIPad , you additionally have the option to publish your StudIPad. Take care that after the activation everypne who has the link and the correspinding password for the StudiPad can edit the included text, change it or is even able to delete it.
Click on open to open the StudIPad you created. An instruction for using the StudIPad you can find here
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