
Create, edit and delete an assignment

Choose a topic and click on “new assignment”. A new menu for editing the new assignment will show up.

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  • First of all, choose an assignment title.
  • If you already wrote a description text in the “Options” menu, this will be shown here in the assignment description. You certainly can extend, edit or delete it. It is worthwhile to set a release date on the new assignment, so the students are not confronted with too many assignments at once.
  • Students are able to see the assignment after the release date. If it is requiredthat an assignment is finished until a certain time, for example on a weekly basis, it is possible to set a deadline for editing the assignments.
  • Last but not least write your assignment description.

Please also consider the restrictions:

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If you don’t want your students to upload files or if you want to set up a maximum character length for the answers, it is possible to set them up under this restriction point. The option “Dependancy” determines, which assignments needs to be edited, so a follow up assignment can be released. It is recommended to use these options, when you don’t set any other deadlines.
You can provide a “sample solution” for the students if you wish.
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Don’t forget so save at the end. In the following it is possible to upload a file (for examples for the “sample solution”, in this case please click on yes). Please be aware about the maximal file size.
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The data exchange is only taking place within DoIT. The activities under DoIT are not registered in the file area. Deleting a file, an assignment or a topic is final and cannot be reversed.
The option to upload files is able for students and for lecturers, unless you deactivated the file-upload for students under the menu point “restrictions”.

Letzte Änderung am 11.07.2013 14:13 Uhr von cfliegn.