

If you click on "results", you get a statistic and an overview about all the editing of the assignments. In the upper side of the statistic, you can see - among others - how many feedback responses are missing or if there is an extension request available. Listed is every activity concerning the tasks and assignments of all participants or every group. With the aid of the icons, you can observe rapidly which parts are missing or where you should give feedback. An evaluation graph is giving insight about the current evaluation process. You can find a help with the letter symbol for quickly contacting single participants or groups.

Attach:DoIT!6a.jpg Δ
To back up the results or for following editing, you can download the overall results about a topic or the results of certain participants or groups. If you work with the evaluation stars intensively, you can get the date with an export as a CSV-file (download “ratings as csv”) for further editing with programs such as Excel.

Letzte Änderung am 11.07.2013 14:16 Uhr von cfliegn.