New in Stud.IP as a lecturer

01. Which basic functions Stud.IP provides for lecuturers?

02. How do i create new courses?

03. How do I link a course with an external page?

04. How can I upload folder or files?

05. Is it possible to move or copy data into an other folder/course?

06. How can I assign appointments to colleques or students?

07. Is it possible to conduct evaluations via Stud.IP?

08. Why am I not able to log in into courses?

09. How can I edit the schedule of my course?

10. How can external students/observers attend my course?

11. How can I endorse tutors?

12. How can I send all participants of my course a message?

13. What for and how can I create groups for my course?

14. Why am I not able to manage courses even if I have a lecturers account?

15. Why do I have no participants in my course anymore?

16. How can I change my office hours?

17. How can I edit the entry at "where I work"?

18. How can I hide the facility(s) from my profil?

01. Which basic functions Stud.IP provides for lecuturers?

Lecturers are able to create courses on Stud.IP. Within the courses they have the following possibilities:

  1. Upload files.
  2. Notify participants of the course.
  3. Publish messages.
  4. Conduct surcveys, tests and evaluations.
  5. Use WikiWeb.
  6. Import and create ILIAS learning moduls and tests.
  7. Add Mediacasts (Videos act out directly within Stud.IP).

Above that you have your own profile available. There you can upload a picture of yourself, literatur lists or publish messages, assign appointments and much more.

02. How do i create new courses?

Courses basically get transfered from the UniVZ to Stud.IP. In order to that the creation of study courses drops.

But you can create courses within Stud.IP for different reasons. Therefor please contact the Stud.IP Support first.

After the login to Stud.IP choos the menupoint "create new courses. Click now on Science''. In the following the fields marked by red stars need to be filled in. The icons behind the fields hold explanations about the functions of the corresponding field. In some institutions the courses get created by Stud.IP administratores of the institute.

03. How do I link a course with an external page?

If you want to hand over a link to your Stud.IP course, you need to look for the course in Stud.IP. Within the list of results you need to click with the right mouth button on the title of the appropriate course and choose the contextmenue copy link (or copy conjunction). Alternative you can click on the title and copy the URL of the shown detail page.

You need to remove the part after the seminar number (sem_id=Number is shown) from the copied link. You receive a link that ends with the number of the seminar.

If you want to force a login to Stud.IP by accessing the link, you need to add „&again=yes“ to the received link.

04. How can I upload folder or files?

Data can just be uploaded within the files area of a Stud.IP course within a folder. To upload files you can use the general data folder or create a new folder. Take the maximum of the file size into account by uploading (30 MB for lecturers).

Upload more files or a whole folder structure: If you want to upload more data or a whole folder structure, you can upload that as a ZIP-archiv. After the upload the archiv got unpacked automatically.

Upload extra large files (i.e. videos): Such file needs to be saved on an external server and can than be linked. Click therefor on link. In the following formular you tipe in the URL that leads to the data.

05. Is it possible to move or copy data into an other folder/course?

To move or copy data you choose the data and click on move or copy. Now an yellow arrow can be found infrint of every folder. Click on the arrow of the appropriate folder into which you want to move the data. Equally you can copy/move data in other courses under condition that you are lecturer of the target folder.

06. How can I assign appointments to colleques or students?

Click on Profil within the upper symbollist of Stud.IP. Choose the button Appointments and create a new appointment group where you can add particular appointments to.

07. Is it possible to conduct evaluations via Stud.IP?

If ou want to have the course evaluate you can use the survey part of the course. But first you need to create an evaluation. You do this under the menu point Tools -> Evaluationen. At this point you can create your own evaluation template or use already available evaluation templates. If you want to see all available evaluation templates of Stud.IP, you nee to tipe in % to the searchfield and click on search.

08. Why am I not able to log in into courses?

If a course is limited to a certain field of study, just students with a student user ID (Studentischen Nutzerkennung) can assign for the course. With the lecturer account you can not sign into that course as a participant. In such cases please contact the lecturer of the course who can add you as a participant.

09. How can I edit the schedule of my course?

Choose the course and click on the button schedule. If you want to edit the schedule, click on edit schedule.

10. How can external students/observers attend my course?

Guest students get with their evidence of the guest student program a student user ID (Studentische Nutzerkennung) from the studIT. With these data they are able to sign in to Stud.IP like every other student. The Stud.IP Account will be created by the first login to the system. For students of other universitys who want to visit your course the E-Learning creates the login data. Therefor please contact the with a list (Excel) of the external students with the following information:

  • Prename
  • Family name
  • E-Mail-Adress
  • University

11. How can I endorse tutors?

To add a user as a tutor into your course you can choose the asked user via the dropdown menu and add him as tutor via the button "endorse". If you want to enter more user at the same time, use the huge free text field at the end of the page. Type in the users family name or the participants user name and click on "enter".

12. How can I send all participants of my course a message?

Open the course of which you want to send the participants the message and click on "participants". Click at the top sending the link system message with e-mail forwarding to all participants. Now a message field opens. Fill in subject and Message and click on send.

13. What for and how can I create groups for my course?

For a better organisation of your course you have the possibility to create groups. This can be helpful for the organisation of study groups. For groups group folders can be created automatically. You can also determin if the students can enter one or more groups by themself.

14. Why am I not able to manage courses even if I have a lecturers account?

Possibly your Stud.IP status just got global and not local upgreaded to lecturer within the corresponding institution. Please contact the Administrator of your institution in this case. If your institution does not own an administrator, please contact your support team.

15. Why do I have no participants in my course anymore?

That could be because an administrator changed the participation restriction of your course later. Unfortunately in this case the students need to sign up again.

16. How can I change my office hours?

For employees the office hours and contact data got taken over from the UniVZ. Please let the changes also be enjust within UniVZ; on the next day it gets visible in Stud.IP as well. You can find more Information here.

17. How can I edit the entry at "where I work"?

You can not determin the entry at "where I work" by yourself. Please contact the Stud.IP-administrator of your institution – if your institution has no administator, contact your support team.

18. How can I hide the facility(s) from my profil?

If there are more institutions entered, you can, if you want to, hide some of them on your profile and just show your main institution.

Thereforn click on Profil -> User data -> Einrichtungsdaten, choose the institution that you want to hide and set a tick at Hide institution on profilpage. Do not forget to click on save.

Letzte Änderung am 30.11.2018 08:57 Uhr von cfliegn.