Edit all dates for one day

Within the Actions menu of a whole day, there are following options available:

Edit room

The room, where the office hours will take place, can be changed only for a whole day.

Click to save the changes. When the room was changed successfully, you will receive a system notification.

Edit information

You can add or change information on all consultation dates of a day. Please be aware that information on each single date of the day will be removed.

Click to save the changes. When the information was changed or added successfully, you will receive a system notification.

The information will appear in the overview, right under the particular day.

Display print view

By clicking this, you can display all dates of one day in print view.

Remove consultation dates

By this option, you can remove all consultation dates of this day. Please be aware that already booked dates need to be cancelled, before they can be deleted. To delete all dates, you need to confirm your choice.

Click to confirm the deletion. When all dates were deleted successfully, you will receive a system notification.

Letzte Änderung am 14.07.2020 11:38 Uhr von cfliegn.