Application scenarios

On this page you can find the most important usage szenarios for a course which access is bounded on specific rules. The szenarios provides a small steped instruction and beginns allways with a locked course.

A small overview of the szenarios can help you to keep an overview of this page:

  1. Every student can access
  2. I made a mistake with the settings
  3. The course should be part of an application set from my institution
  4. The application is just possible my entering a password
  5. The application is possible within a specific time slot
  6. The allocation of places tkes place via a lottery
  7. The allocation of places takes place chronological
  8. The allocation of places talkes place either via lottery or a chronological order
  9. The application is bounded to studies or a dregee
  10. The application to more courses of one modul is possible
  11. The application is bound to an application to another (e.g. earlier) course

"Every student can access"

Normaly courses get automatically borrowd from the UniVZ. After that synchronisation the application within Stud.IP is normally closed. A course will be activated by clicking the butte "remove attribution". The application to this course is now open to all students.

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Letzte Änderung am 28.06.2018 10:48 Uhr von cfliegn.