- Anwenderhilfe
- Administrationsdokumentation
- Entwicklerdokumentation
Important! The courses need to be unlocked by lecturers or Stud.IP admins in Stud.IP so that students can enrol for them. The blocking of the courses prevents students from enrolling for those courses that are not actively maintained in Stud.IP. However, students can add locked (and visible) courses to their timetable.
In order to unlock your course select the respective course from the course overview.
Once you have logged in to Stud.IP you can find the course overview via the link "my courses". Alternatively click on the symbol "courses" on the main menu bar. In the course overview you can select the course which you would like to unlock.
Now you will be taken to the overview page of your course.
Select the tab "administration" to switch to the administration page of the course.
Attach:mycourse_accesspermission.jpg Δ
Click on the navigation point access permissions. On the following page you can unlock your course.
A green tick on the button "locked" shows that the course is presently locked. In order to unlock the course click on the button "none". In order to restrict the participation on the course you can chose between the two enrollment procedures "by lot" and "chronological". Afterwards click on "apply".
Under registration mode you can decide whether students can register directly or provisionally to the course.
The option instant entry causes the participants to have immediate access to the content of the course.
Attach:mycourse_registrationmode.jpg Δ
When choosing provisional entry a list of participants that would like to take part of the course will be created. Those need to be manually accepted (e.g. after the first course session when students are present) so that they can have access to the content of the course. Provisionally accepted participants have no access to the content of the course.