- Anwenderhilfe
- Administrationsdokumentation
- Entwicklerdokumentation
In this area you see all the courses that you are attending in the current semester.
Attach:mycoursesoverview.jpg Δ
The Course overview page also makes it possilbe to quickly — at a glance — see what has happened in the courses you are enrolled in since your last Login. On this page you find the different data for each course which affect you personally: the date and time of your last Login, the personal status which you have in the course (lecturer, tutor, author or user). You also see all the new postings, news, files or reference information.
You are informed of changes by the red color of the icons, e.g. a new document . If you click on one of the icons, you immediately enter the respective course area where you are informed about the changes.
Brief icon lore
The colored bar at the beginning of the column points out the group to which the course has been assigned. With the bar you can subsequently arrange your courses according to semesters or fields of study to achieve greater clarity.
Name designates the course’s name. With a click on it you enter the course area.
Visited shows the date of your last visit to the relevant course area.
Under Contents you will find a maximum of five icons. Each of them functions in the same manner:
stands for Postings and contains the number of forum contributions in the area. If new entries have been added since your last visit, the icon turns red
If you linger for a moment with the cursor on the icon, the number of all old and new Postings in the course will be displayed. Attach:newpostings.jpg Δ
If you click on the icon, you move directly into the Forum area and are shown all new Postings.
This icon shows your the course's participants. If you click on it you will be directed to the participant-list of the course.
stands for Files and functions analogously to Posting. It shows the number of uploaded files. If new entries have accumulated since your last visit, the icon turns red:
This icon symbolises News about the course. This can be rather important in some cases, i.e. short-term room changes or similar items are normally communicated via this News icon. The latest News is therefore also represented by signal red:
If you see this icon it means that there is a wiki activated in the course. If there are new posts or changes within the area the icon will be red
stands for the Reference list of the respective course. There you will find recommended or interesting references on the subject. You see new entries at a glance:
means that a special course meeting has been scheduled. New course appointments are naturally depicted, as your probably expected, in red:
It is possible for a course to have more icons (depending on the configuration):
All of these can - of course - also turn red if something new has happened.
If you're a tutor or substitute you can see this icon to edit the course settings By clicking on it you will be directed to the administration area of the course.
With the door icon you can cancel your enrollment in the course — the course then no longer appears on this page. If you do not see the door icon, you are either a tutor or a lecturer in the course. As tutor you must first have been fired in order to cancel the course — as lecturer, please contact your institution’s administrator if you really have to dispense with the course.
Cancel your enrolment cautiously! In a database-based system such as Stud.IP there is no “Undo” function. If you have accidentally cancelled your enrolment, you must re-enrol in the course.
If you retain your enrolment in a course until after the end of the semester, you also have access to the course materials when it is over, but has been archived. That can be very practical under some circumstances.
Since the system is not yet familiar with your schedule on your first Stud.IP visit, only the Feedback and Culture forums initially appear. To enrol in additional courses, click on the Course search link.
Registration and waiting lists
Stud.IP recognises participant-restricted courses. If you have attempted to enrol in such a course, you frequently do not immediately become a participant in this course because the drawing by lot has not taken place or because you have only been put on a Waiting list. In this case an additional table appears below the table of your personal courses. It contains all entries in Registration and Waiting lists and keeps you up to date in this respect.
Registration lists You are on a Registration list when you habe enrolled in a course in which the participant selection takes place by drawing lots, and this has not yet occurred. You recognise a Registration list when “by lots” is stated in the type column. This is to ensure that you immediately know what the date given in the table means: on this date, partícipant selection occurs by lottery. If you were not selected in the lottery, your entry becomes a Waiting list entry. This means that you are now on the Waiting list and have the possibility of moving up if someone else gives up his place in the list.
You recognise a Registration list by the procentual probability of being selected. If a value of 100% is given in the Position/Chance column, you will definitely be selected — as soon as the value sinks, your chances of being selected also fall.
Waiting list You are initially on a Waiting list when you have attempted to enrol in a course with chronological registration, and all the places in the contingent have already been filled. Here, too, you have a chance to move up if a fellow student gives up a place in the course.
You recognise a Waiting list by the fact that one’s position on the waiting list is always given.
To delete your name from the Registration or Waiting list, simply use the door icon on the right margin of the table. The deletion process is just as simple as when one removes one's name from a normal course list using the door icon.
If you are someone's default replacement you will see a list of these persons. In case you also got the right to edit that person's profile page the name will be a link and by clicking on it you will be transferred to the profile page.