Creating learning modules

On the following pages some tipps for the creation of different ILIAS-learning modules within Stud.IP get introduced. The focus is on the connection to Stud.IP and the corresponding procedures.

With the first usage you will get automatically an account for ILIAS out of Stud.IP.

The following steps belong to the production of ever kind of ILIAS-modules within Stud.IP:

  1. The learning modul within Stud.IP will be created and newly compiled with the first step.
  2. The learning modul can be edited withing ILIAS with the second step.?
  3. The learning modul gets integrated into the corresponding Stud.IP course at the third step.?

ILIAS learning modules, tests, glossars, html-L as well as scorm-modules will be created within Stud.IP and get connected to the course. Within Ilias they can be edited later. An extensive and well structured instruction for editing ILIAS-learning modules that got created within Stud.IP you can find in the ILIAS online help:

1. Lerning modul-typ determin and create

To create an ILIAS learning modul, test, glossary, scrom-modul or an ILIAS html learning session you have to choose the subitem "learningmodul" of the "tool menue".

Subsequently you can choose between six different modul types with which you can work in ILIAS:

  • HTML-learning session
  • SCORM/AICC-learning session
  • ILIAS-learning session
  • ILIAS-Test
  • ILIAS-question pool
  • ILIAS-glossary

When you dont use a finished learning module (or upload one in ILIAS) you have to choose one of the last four modul typs. That is depending on your needs. After you choosed a learning modul from the drop down list you have to confirm it with the button "select".

After that you have to click on the newly occured button "create new". The edit mode of ILIAS opens in a new browser tab automatically. You are now in ILIAS and you can edit the modul.

Letzte Änderung am 17.05.2018 11:25 Uhr von cfliegn.