- Anwenderhilfe
- Administrationsdokumentation
- Entwicklerdokumentation
The following manual considers that you have at least user rights and you are already enrolled into a course with Meetings enabled.
You have to be in the course area in order to navigation to the Meetings.
Following image is an example overview of Meetings with 2 rooms (one with recording) and a sinlge introductory text.
The introductory texts added by course lecturer will be displayed first thing on the top of the list to catch you attention because they might contain important texts!
In this plugin each created room will be displayed as a block or item (or even refered to as room component) in the room list.
It is possible to set a widget of this plugin in Stud.IP start page which helps user to have access to currently running meetings as well as upcoming ones for the day. Users are able to join the meeting directly from the widget or access the meeting's course page first. For more info refer to Widget feature.