From Stud.IP to Citavi

Convert list of references from Stud.IP to Citavi

Steps for Stud.IP...

1. Log in to Stud.IP.

Status author (student)

2. Click on "tools" within the hearbar.

3. Choose the tab "references".

Status lecturer/tutor: 2. Click on my courses. Choose the cours from that you want to take the list of references.

3. Click on the register card "references".

4. Click on the link "edit references".

On the next window that will be open you choose "save data" and choose a save location on your computer. After that click on "OK" and the list of references will be exported.

5. Choose for the wished list of references and click on export.

Steps within Citavi...

1. Choose the command "import" from the menu "data".

2. Choose from the newly open window "from written data". Click on "next".

3. Choose "Stud.IP as importfilter". Click on "next".

4. IIf Stud.IP os not available on that list you have to act like it is explained here . Choose from the button "add textfilter" as your importfilter "StudIP".

5. Click on "search" to choose importdata. Click on "next".

6. Now you can choose wehter you want single (if there is a long list of references) or all title to be imported. Click on "apply titel", do your selection and confirm with "OK".

7. Now your title got imported in Citavi.

Letzte Änderung am 04.07.2018 14:35 Uhr von cfliegn.