- Anwenderhilfe
- Administrationsdokumentation
- Entwicklerdokumentation
The Terms of use can vary slightly from installation to installation. Generally in systems on where you can register yourself, the following applies:
1. Users are required to use their real names in Stud.IP. The user commits himself or herself to stating his or her correct first and last names. The username required for Login can be freely selected within the limits stipulated by the program.
2. The user has to ensure that the specified e-mail address is valid and functional.
3. All other personal details are voluntary. If you specify additional personal data, this is only accessible to other registered user of the system. An exception to this is the generation of staff directories of the participating institutes by the system.
4. The user ensures that he or she is not violating applicable statutory regulations and laws when using the Stud.IP communication system. In particular the user commits himself or herself to the following:
5. The use of Stud.IP for any form of advertising or marketing is prohibited and obligates the user to compensate Stud.IP for the incurred damages.
6. The user pledges to protect his or her access against use by third parties. At this time, Stud.IP would like to point out that the user's password must not be given to third parties. The user is liable for any unauthorised use of his or her account made possible by his or her behaviour if he or she is at fault.
7. If the user violates the above-mentioned obligations, his or her access to Stud.IP will be blocked immediately.
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