Crash course for lecturer

On this page you will get to know on what you have to look at when you log in to Stud.IP for the first time and at the beginning of every semester.

As soon as you log in to Stud.IP you will get to Stud.IPs starting page. On the top of the page you can see navigation elements that will lead you to different areas: Start (the actuall page), Courses (this leads you to an overview of all your courses), messages, community, planner, search, tools, black board.

Forwarding Stud.IP-internal messages to your own E-Mail adress

To receive all the messages that you get via Stud.IP to your E-Mail adress as well you need to set a redirection. You can do this via the settings. You reach the settings via the "Profil“ menue. Within the registercard beneath you can find "settings“. The navigation of the settings shows you the message settings. There you can arrange that a copy of your Stud.IP internal messages will be sent to your E-Mail adress. Therefore you need to set it on "always". More on that here.

Unlock courses

Courses that are imported from UniVZ are locked; as long as you do not unlock the course by yourself students are not able to register for the course. So that the students are able to register for your course you need to unlock the course manual. You can unlock your course via the "access authority" at the administration. Set the green arrow on "none" to unlock your course. Alternatively you can set a lottery or a chronological application.

You can find an extensive instruction with pictures here: Changing the access permissions for a course

If the course is still blocked, students are not able to register. Also not when the starting date of the course is set. The students can only copy the dates of the course into their timetable.

When the access permissions get changed the course is free for registration. Students can therefore easily distinguish whether a course is maintained by a lecturer or not.

Offfice hours

For lecturers the office hours and contact data you can find on their "Profil" are imported from UniVZ. If nessesary you can change your data within UniVZ; on the next day it is automatically changed in Stud.IP as well.

Determine access permission

In some cases it is advisable to restrict the access to a Stud.IP course to a maximum amount of participants and a specific degree. There are two possibilities for participant limitation:

  • Limitation due to a lottery: In this case Stud.IP will choose the declared number of participants via lottery. Participants that have not been chosen will be sent to a waiting list and have the possibility to move up. For this case there must be a minimal number of participants that should be 1.
  • Limitation within the order of application (chronological): In this case it is set : first come, first served. The contingent that you need to set in a later step needs to be filled individually. All participants that did not get a spot in the course are put on a waiting list.
  • You can find an instruction for the access permissions here: Changing the access permissions for a course

Edit the schedule; create topics and date based date files

The schedule will be generated automatically by all the dates that are imported from UniVZ. If you want to add a date please contact the UniVZ admin of your department.

With "edit schedule" you are able to enter a title and a description for the dates and easily create a forum topic and a data file. You can find an instruction for this process here: : Changing your schedule

Enter tutors

To enter tutors into a course the person needs to have a tutors account. For students this is usually not the case; please contact the Stud.IP admins of your departnemt to give them a tutor status on their account.

After that you can click within the "administration" of the course via "basic data" on "staff" and type in the name of the user and add him/her as a tutor.

Enroll participants

In some cases it is needed that users get enrolled to a course manually. Under the tab "participants" you can look for the person and enroll him or her. When you want to enroll more than one at the same time use the free text field at the end of the page. There you can type in all last names and click on enroll.

Sending a message to all participants of the course

Open the course and click on the tab "participants". Click on the link "send system message" with e-mail forwarding to all participants. Now there will be a message field. Fill in the topic and the message an click on send.

Create a group

For better organisation there is the possibility to create groups within a course. This is advisable to organise groups for exercises. Files for groups can be created automatically. You can determine if students can enter one or more groups on their own.

An instruction can be found here: Managing functions and groups

Letzte Änderung am 08.01.2019 10:18 Uhr von cgemmeke.